Feb 20, 2021
【Huashan1914 epidemic prevention announcement 】
Feb 20, 2021


Huashan1914 Epidemic Prevention Announcement

---- 2020.02.10 ----

To provide tourists with a more secure and safer public space, Huashan1914 Cultural and Creative Park cooperate with the epidemic prevention policy of the Central Epidemic Command Center actively. The disinfection of the public place in the park has completed on 2/10. All Visitors are requested to maintain a socially safe distance of 1.5 meters indoors and 1 meter outdoors.

Disinfection alcohol is provided in the visitor center and venues throughout the park for tourists. All visitors need to measure body temperature before entering the indoors. If the body temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees, it will not be allowed to enter. If you have a dietary requirement in an outdoor space, please pay attention to maintain social distancing and wear the mask during the whole process to protect yourself and others.




Huashan1914 Prevention program


1. Daily staff implements health management (measure body temperature twice a day in the morning and afternoon).

2. Attendance staff wear masks throughout their duty.

3. Provide hand sanitizing alcohol for people visiting the store.

4. Catering shops that perform "body temperature measurement" and "hand disinfection" for customers who enter the restaurant will refuse to take the test, severe cough, or fever (body temperature higher than 37.5 degrees), they will not be allowed to enter the restaurant.


|Event & Exhibition|

1. Strictly implement the real-name admission system (scan QR Code, log-in name, phone number, e-mail).

2. The audience must cooperate with: (1) Temperature measurement, alcohol disinfection, and mask-wearing.

3. Exhibits in the hall are disinfected regularly.

4. Keep social distance in the outdoor line, and put on masks.

5. Implement staff health management and measure body temperature every day before going to work.


|Art and Culture Activity Venue|

1. The theater operation is based on the actual ticket connection (scan QR Code or physical ticket registration name, phone number).

2. The audience must cooperate with: (1) temperature measurement, alcohol disinfection, and put on masks.

3. The theater will be disinfected regularly and will be performed again between each performance.

4. To implement staff health management, the crew needs to measure body temperature and make records daily.


|Public Area|

1. Daily disinfection of public spaces such as toilets and elevators.

2. Set up relevant notices for epidemic prevention information in crowded places and require people to wear masks and maintain social distance.



【Disinfection certificate】


Huashan 1914 Cultural and Creative Park Caring for your health

Service Tel: 02-2358-1914  Customer Service Email: service@huashan1914.com

【藝文訊息】2024 華山傳統表演藝術節目徵件辦法公告